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WaspQuests by bootje2000

Does your quests for you!



WaspQuests by bootje2000

Script ID: 7aec955b-8e40-4091-a962-f1508c48f061

Latest revision: 4

Updated at: 29/09/2024, 11:25:14

Date updated at: 29/09/2024

Time of update: 11:25:14

Does your quests for you!

Running the script installs the latest version of the WaspQuests library. If you didn't have the latest version, it will update automatically. After that you need to run the script again and it will open the QuestSolver, in which you can see all currently supported quests, and the info on how to run them.

Note that not all scripts on here work 100% perfectly all the time. If a quest crashes at any point, you can try to restart it at that step and let it continue.