Superglass maker script for great crafting and magic experience while making money.
Script Requirements:
- Lunar diplomacy
- 77 Magic
Required Setup:
- Start close to one of the supported banks
- Have sand and seaweed in your bank
- Withdraw all your astral runes and clear the placeholder
- Use bank fillers to fill your bank
- Equip a smoke battlestaff or Air staff + Tome of fire
- Supports all seaweed types
Known Issues:
- Since regular seaweed, edible seaweed and giant seaweed share the same sprite, you cannot have them all visible at the same time (put them in a different tab). The one you want to use should be on the same bank tab as the sand buckets.
Additional Information:
You can easily fill the bank buy using the bank fillers in the bank options (top right button in the bank screen).