Enchants various pieces of jewelry for magic xp.
Script Requirements:
Required Setup:
- Lvl 1 Enchant - Water Staff & Cosmic Runes
- Lvl 2 Enchant - Air Staff & Cosmic Runes
- Lvl 3 Enchant - Fire Staff & Cosmic Runes
- Lvl 4 Enchant - Earth Staff & Cosmic Runes
- Lvl 5 Enchant - Mud Staff & Cosmic Runes
- Lvl 6 Enchant - Lava Staff & Cosmic Runes
- Lvl 7 Enchant - Blood, Soul & Cosmic Runes
- Have the selected jewelry in the bank
- Enchants all Jewelry
- Enchants all gem types
- Supports multiple bank locations
Known Issues:
- SRL has issues detecting items close to the edges of the bank. This is a bug that will be fixed in the future.
Additional Information:
Check Below for up to date costs and GP/XP calculations