Crafts astral runes for great medium level profit. Can be made more profitable with optional items such as the Raiments of the Eye outfit.
Script Requirements:
- Lunar diplomacy completed
- Dream mentor completed is recommended
- 55+ HP so you don't die. The script won't function properly without this.
Required Setup:
- Seal of passage equipped (without diary)
- Dust staff equipped
- Rune pouch with:
- Law runes
- Cosmic runes
- Astral runes (optionally)
- Energy restoration potions in the bank (Stamina potions (1) are recommend)
- Food in the bank
- Pure/Daeyalt essence in the bank
- Last NPC contact spell has to have been the Dark mage
- The essence pouches for your level
- Supports all essence pouches
- Support Daeyalt essence
- Eats at the bank when low health
- Drinks energy restoration when low energy
- Has 3 modes for banking depending on your account unlocked booths
Additional Information:
Low levels might struggle and have very low experience rates. Consider training up your defense and/or wearing better armor.