Super Combat Maker by bootje2000
Script ID: 9ff2c22a-e4a9-48b5-912d-d28cbd5a388c
Latest revision: 2
Updated at: 04/09/2024, 19:03:48
Date updated at: 04/09/2024
Time of update: 19:03:48
Want to get 99 Herblore while making profit? I got you covered!
Gets around 210k xp/h and around 500k gp/h. Profit varies depending on potion prices! Be sure to slow buy you potions for maximal profit.
Required Setup:
- Inventory empty
- Bank contains Super Attack(4), Super Strength(4) and Super Defence(4) as well as the primary (either Torstol or Torstol Potion unf). Preferably these items are close to each other in the bank.
- Start at GE
- Mixes Super combat potions for good exp rates and usually make profit.
- Has a fast withdraw mode, which usually works but can be buggy in some very rare cases. I recommend using it.
Additional information:
- 90 Herblore required
For questions or feedback I refer you to the Discord thread in the scripts channel!