Sarachnis Slayer by bootje2000
Script ID: 769bb342-207e-4af2-9348-266fad92632a
Latest revision: 22
Updated at: 08/12/2024, 09:33:07
Date updated at: 08/12/2024
Time of update: 09:33:07
Kills Sarachnis for decent profit and good melee XP
Full description
Kills Sarachnis using melee. Great low requirement money maker. Expect around 40-45 kills per hour with max melee stats, super combat and piety and around 100k combat XP (including hitpoints XP)
DISCLAIMER: YOU NEED TO HAVE THE NEW ARANEA BOOTS FOR THIS! Don't come crying for a refund if you didn't read this. Other setups will probably™ be supported in the future, starting with Tumeken's Shadow support.
DISCLAIMER 2: THIS IS A DANGEROUS BOSS! At any time, the world could lag or you could DC and you will die. Do not use this script on a HCIM!
- Can use varrock tabs + xerics talisman or house tabs if you have Ornate pool and Gilded/Crystalline nexus set to Varrock
- Can also use Construction cape instead of house tabs
- Can use a stamina potion if you notice that it is necessary for your account (I recommend to only turn this on if you notice issues with run enery)
- Has option to use piety.
- Can use multiple food sources and prayer sources (e.g. the new Moonlight moth mix)
- Tracks in startup GUI how many free inventory spaces you have left and rejects wrong setups
Flow of the bot:
- Start in Varrock with any inventory
- Walks to nearest bank
- Takes prayer and food source of your choice, with quantities of your choice
- Takes Stat boosting potion of choice (they will be sipped every 8 minutes when fighting)
- Teleports to Xeric's Glade using Xeric's talisman or to house in Hosidius
- Walks to the Sarachnis lair
- Finds free world in region of choice or custom world list (custom can be changed at the top of the script, or if left blank it will use the world list of your current 'player', i.e. the one you select on startup of the script)
- Enters lair
- Kills boss, while flicking to the right prayers (most of the time)
- Loots the loot pile
- Repeat until out of prayer or food and TP back to Varrock/House
- If in house, use Pool and Portal Nexus
- Back to step 1
Required Setup:
- you need to have Aranea boots equipped
- You need to have a charged Xeric's talisman in the bank
- You need to have Varrock tabs in the bank (doesn't matter if you have Varrock medium or not)
- If using house tabs: make sure you have them in your bank AND that you house is set to Hosidius. Also be sure that you ornate pool and Portal nexus are visible when entering your house. Lastly, make sure the Teleport nexus is set to left-click and it goes to either Varrock or Grand Exchange.
- You need enough of the selected food source and prayer source in the bank.
Setup recommendations
- Blood moon gear works surprisingly well (if you do so, you need to disable specs, the spec will drain your HP)
- Osmumten's fang works good as well
- Tank body and legs with high mage defence (to tank little spiders)
- Don't use blood fury, the heals are not worth for how much it costs
- Don't be afraid to miss loot because you filled up all inventory spaces: the bot eats/drops food to make space for your loot
Features to be added in list of priority:
- Ferox enclave banking with pool
- Mage support (for Tumeken's shadow)
- Other setups than Aranea boots