Prush Green Dragons by Prush
Kills Green Dragons at the Ferox Enclave so you don't have to!
- You can expect 30-40K XP/Hr and 550-650K Profit/Hr
Required Setup:
- Ensure you have plenty of food, Rings of duelings & Games necklaces preferably near the top of your bank.
- You must set your respawn location to Edgeville, the script will regear and get back to the dragons from there.
- Smart breaking / sleeping, will only break and/or sleep while it's at the bank.
- Supports looting bag, not hours of testing because I didn't want to lose and reaquire mine.
- Supports regearing for the unfortunate event that you are killed by another player. You must change your respawn location to Edgeville.
Known Issues:
- Rarely will click the dragon that isn't attacking you, it will quickly fix itself.
Additional information:
For this script, I am using the following items: Abyssal Whip Helm of Neitiznot Black D'hide Body Holy Blessing Dragonfire Shield Rune Platelegs Obsidian Cape Climbing Boots
If you don't use the same setup, please adjust the following lines
Please note: The items you type in these fields MUST be identical to how they are written in-game
- Change lines 681-688 to whichever gear setup you are using.
- Change line 693 'Food' to whichever food you are using.
- Change lines 1524-1528 to whichever items you keep upon death.
- Change lines 1544-1560 to whichever gear you have listed in the regear List.
- Change lines 1583-1591 to whichever gear in the regear list, not the ones that were already equipped.