Mage Training Arena by n0ll
Script ID: 4a0ed125-d2f4-4394-8db3-3db10c7a2d0a
Date updated at: 06/10/2024
- Enchanting Chamber: Level 7 Magic
- Creature Graveyard: Level 15 Magic
- Telekinetic Theatre: Level 33 Magic
- Alchemists' Playground: Level 55 Magic
- Use RuneLite, and the WaspScripts RuneLite Profile
- Have your client in Fixed Mode
- Have enough runes in your inventory, the script does not check for runes!
Enchanting Chamber
Autoselects the best available enchantment spell, gathers points and deposits the orbs for extra rewards.
Creature Graveyard
Autoselects the best available spell and fully completes the room.
Telekinetic Theatre
Gathers points by completing the Theatres.
Alchemist's Playground
Gathers points by grabbing semi-random items and alches the best item in inventory.
Numbers are in minutes.