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CJ & Skunkworks' Giants Foundry by skunkworks

Does the Giant's Foundry minigame



Giants Foundry by CJ & Skunkworks

Required Setup:

Be in fixed mode!! Be in the foundry Have ice gloves equipped BUCKETS TO COOL THE PREFORM NOT SUPPORTED Use a MIX of metals Have your bars and or gear you want to smelt in a bank tab. That tab should then be specified on the GUI or at the top of the script. (This is so we don't smelt gear you're using). On the GUI or at the top of the script is an export moulds button, this should be ON for your first run of the script and can be turned off until you buy a new mould. (It caches your mould library)


  • Uses sweetspots
  • Picks your best moulds every time
  • Gets You Cannonball Double Mould

Known issues:

Does not support single metal alloy. Use 2 metals in your alloy!

Additional information:

You need quest Sleeping Giants completed to use this. As an Ironman you could leverage Student's Shopper Script to buy Mithril Claws/Steel Platelegs.