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BigAussie Trouble Brewing by BigAussie

Completes Trouble Brewing Mini-Game for points or XP, Supports Fletching + Buckets method.



BigAussie Trouble Brewing

Latest revision: 13 Updated at: 18/12/2024, 02:15:05


  • Joining red team while full can result in a horror attacking you, Choose Random to ensure you join a game ASAP.

REV 13

  • Improved joining lobby logic.


  • Completes the Trouble Brewing minigame automatically.
  • Supports team selection, allowing you to use two characters on opposing teams to maximize XP gains.
  • Supports Woodcutting with Fletching, including depositing for Fletching/Cooking XP and rewards.
  • Power fletching option for Fletching XP only, No Cooking XP or rewards.
  • Supports filling and depositing buckets of water for earning points the AFK method.
  • Sends notifications via Discord webhooks when the script terminates/stops.
  • WaspLib Anti-Ban technology including breaks & sleeps.

Additional information:

  • The Trouble Brewing minigame must be unlocked to use this script.

  • You must have no headgear equipped to start the mini-game.

  • If woodcutting you must have an axe equipped it will not pickup it's own.

  • Red Team is the only team that can be joined mid-game; if playing on a mass world, choose the Red Team.

  • For optimal XP rates, use the script on a normal world with two characters, one on each team. This setup prevents competition for trees and can earn over 200k XP per hour when power fletching.

  • The XP per hour rate is calculated based on the total running time of the script, including any downtime in the lobby and during breaks.