REV 39 Changes
- Support for latest libs.
BigAussie's AIO Lunar Spellbook
- Supports Bake Pie/Humidify/Spin Flax/Superglass Make/Tan Leather/String Jewellery/Plank Make and Recharge Dragonstone.
- Supporting Buying and selling at the Grand Exchange.
- Supports birdhouse runs via CJ Include.
- Supports discord webhook notification.
- Supports Rune Pouch. (You must start with the pouch in your inventory)
- Wasp Anti-Ban support with breaks and sleeps.
- Supports all Wasplib supported banks.
- Plank Make will cycle between fast and slow casting planks using a focused/unfocused timers.
- Stop at desired Magic level support.
- Adjustable script speed, will change how often Anti-Ban and wait events happen and increase focused time on make plank.
You must be on the Lunar Spell Book.
Bird house runs only support varrock tab.
You must have your staff equipped.
The item you wish to process must be in the first tab and at the top of your bank somewhere.
You must have the spell unlocked. (Note some spells have quest requirements)
Legacy Client or Runelite with Wasp Profile.
Most up to date SRL-T and WaspLib.