Current revision: 8
Last updated: 01/02/2025
- Handles the entire process of offering bones at the Ectofuntus
- Grinds bones into bonemeal, gathers slime from the sub levels, and offers bonemeal
- Takes tokens when the amount owed is maxed (1,000)
- Banks at either Port Phasmatys or Castle Wars
- Auto-utilizes the shortcut if your Agility level is 58+
- Supports all types of bones excluding normal bones
- GUI on start-up
- By default utilizes standard OSRS client with RemoteInput (no hijacking the mouse/keyboard)
- Break/Sleep system
- Optimized to run efficiently with reduced CPU usage
- Should work in any client mode / size / zoom level (fixed client and decent zoom level recommended)
- Completion of the Ghosts Ahoy quest
- Ectophial, Ghostspeak amulet, 9 pots, 9 buckets, bones and plenty of Rings of dueling (if banking via CastleWars)
- Simba 1400 32-bit with the official OSRS client (non-Steam version)
- Most up-to-date SRL-T from Torwent's SRL-T repo
- Most up-to-date WaspLib
- Script setup is on the GUI
How to use
- Start anywhere with 9 pots, 9 buckets, 9 bones and the ectophial in your inventory
- Already be wearing your Ghostspeak amulet
- If banking via Castle Wars, already have a Ring of dueling equipped
In-game settings
- Max brightness
- XP bar permanently opened with either total XP or Mining XP displayed
- Recommended having your zoom level set to a decent amount (~10-30)